11.12.2020 Catholic Church and vaccination - Rotary Club
Sermon for December 13th, 2020 - 3. Advent
The so-called Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, speaks of
hope: There is hope that there will be a vaccine against corona. The
Catholic Catechism teaches: "The theological virtues are faith,
hope, and charity. Hope is a divine virtue infused into our souls,
by which we confidently expect from God whatever He has promised us,
through the merits of Jesus Christ." Angela Merkel is member of the
Rotary Club. In 2013, Rotary Club of Glenview, Illinois, posted on
Facebook: "Pope Francis, the newly inaugurated Pope of the Roman
Catholic Church is a Rotary Brother, as well as a Jesuit and an
American (albeit a South American). Francis, as Cardinal Bergoglio,
is an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
... So much for the bad old days when a Roman Catholic could not be
a Rotarian ... Rotary was considered Satanic and an aspect of Free
Masonry". It is not true that there is a "Pope Francis" and that the
condemnation of Rotary by the Church has been changed. However, it
is true, that Jorge Bergoglio is a Rotarian and that one of the
Rotary founders was a freemason and that Rotary is satanic. Jorge
Bergoglio is the visible head of the biggest satanic organization,
i.e. the group of the so-called "Second Vatican Council". In its
statutes (UR 3), Vatican 2 spreads the heresy that non-Catholic
societies can be a "means of salvation". Accordingly, in 2017 Jorge
published a 92 seconds long youtube clip "The Pope Video -
Interreligious Dialogue" with the message: "In this crowd, in this
range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all: we
are all children of God". No revelation, no faith, no obedience, no
salvation. Remember the words of Pope Leo XIII. about »the kingdom
of Satan, in whose possession and control are all whosoever follow
the fatal example of their leader and of our first parents, those
who refuse to obey the divine and eternal law ... At this period,
however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and
to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that
strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons.
... We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask
from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is«. While it
is explicitly forbidden for every Catholic cleric to be a member of
Rotary, many so-called "clerics" of "Vatican 2" are Rotarians.
Freemasonry and Rotary have many aspects in common, e.g. the
vaccination propaganda. Vaccines are obviously considered as an
enormously powerful tool for destroying well-being, life, virtue and
grace. Recently a study was published: "Relative Incidence of Office
Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of
Vaccination": "We performed a retrospective analysis spanning ten
years of pediatric practice focused on patients with variable
vaccination born into a practice, presenting a unique opportunity to
study the effects of variable vaccination on outcomes. ... We could
detect no widespread negative health effects in the unvaccinated
other than the rare but significant vaccine-targeted diagnosis. We
can conclude that the unvaccinated children in this practice are
not, overall, less healthy than the vaccinated and that indeed the
vaccinated children appear to be significantly less healthy than the
unvaccinated." That is exactly what over 250 years of vaccination
have shown: There is no evidence that vaccinations do any good. But
there is a giant amount of evidence that vaccinations do harm. And
harm is the whole spirit of vaccinations, because a vaccine is a
cocktail of harmful substances, allegedly to activate the immune
system. So do not care about healthy nutrition, healthy exercise and
in general a healthy lifestyle. On the contrary: Just get an
injection of poisons and pathogens and whatever; just get your flu
shot, your corona shot, your measle shot, your whatever shot, and
you are a good person. However if you prefer to live healthy, you
are an evildoer. Therefore Rotary pushes vaccinations like crazy. In
2019, Rotary reported: »An announcement at the Rotary International
Convention in Lisbon, Portugal, set the stage for a bold new chapter
in the partnership between Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation in the campaign for polio eradication. "Going forward,
the Gates Foundation will match two-to-one, up to US$35 million per
year, every dollar Rotary commits to reduce the funding shortfall
for polio eradication through 2018 ... If fully realized, the value
of this new partnership with Rotary is more than $500 million."«
Already in 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
reported: "A vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) is a strain of the
weakened poliovirus that was initially included in oral polio
vaccine (OPV) and that has changed over time and behaves more like
the wild or naturally occurring virus. This means it can be spread
more easily to people who are unvaccinated against polio ... These
viruses may cause illness, including paralysis." And in 2017, the
World Health Organization reported: "On rare occasions, if a
population is seriously under-immunized, an excreted vaccine-virus
can continue to circulate for an extended period of time. The longer
it is allowed to survive, the more genetic changes it undergoes. In
very rare instances, the vaccine-virus can genetically change into a
form that can paralyse". Now back to the superspreaders of satanism,
i.e. the group of Vatican 2. Jorge Bergoglio keeps preaching that an
eventual vaccine for COVID-19 would belong to the world: "The
vaccine is the patrimony of humanity, of all humanity, it is
universal; because the health of our peoples, as the pandemic has
taught us, is a common heritage, it belongs to the common good." As
a reaction to such a remark by Bergoglio, the Director of the World
Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, tweeted: "I couldn't agree more
with Your Holiness. The #Covid19 pandemic shows that we must make
health a human right for all and not allow it to be a privilege for
the few. It also gives us an opportunity to rebuild a better, safer,
fairer world - together!" Remember that the first visible head of
the group of Vatican 2, Angelo Roncalli, nickname Pope John XXIII.,
began his work with a praise of the United Nations, and the bond of
the satanic Vatican and the United Nations have been strong ever
since. Considering all that, we Christians cannot share the declared
hope of Angela Merkel in a vaccine. However, we Christians do have
the hope by which we confidently expect from God whatever He has
promised us, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Apparently the
servants of the kinddom of satan, the partisans of evil are now
combining together and are struggling with united vehemence against
God. Apparently there will be severe consequences for anyone who
does not want to serve and worship the devil. It might be
life-destroying to reject a vaccine. But ask: How life-destroying
can a vaccine be? So do not give up your hope, even when evil seems
to be mighty and even if devil worshippers declare that they are
"full of hope". This time will end. Satan and all his followers will
suffer eternal damnation, and whoever has been faithful to God in
His Catholic Church, will receive eternal salvation with all the
saints in heaven, in the kingdom of God. Amen.