19.11.2020 Catholic Church and vaccination - Freemason
Edward Jenner - conspiracy denier
Sermon for December 06th, 2020 - 2. Advent -
Father Rolf Lingen, Goldbrink 2a, 46282 Dorsten, Germany,
www.pater-lingen.de, November 30th, 2020
According to mainstream media, the salvation of mankind depends
heavily on the eradication of corona viruses and its attributed
diseases like Covid-19. According to mainstream media, we all must
wear face masks and keep social distancing. We must be observed all
the time, whatever we do. As a final solution, certain people could
be concentrated in camps for extermination of the danger that they
spread. Whoever does not comply with such measures, already faces
accusations of being a criminal, namely a murderer, and that could
eminently be the case if someone rejects the corona vaccine when it
is available. The most prominent figure in the history of
vaccination is Edward Jenner who lived from 1749 to 1823. In 1796 he
started to inoculate people so that they develop cowpox and thus be
immune of smallpox. Jenner died as a freemason. In 1802 he became a
master mason, and in 1812, he became the worshipful master of Royal
Berkeley Lodge. A key event in the history of Freemasonry is the
foundation of the first masonic Grand Lodge of London and
Westminster in 1717. In 1738, Pope Clement XII declared (Papal Bull
"In eminenti"): "We command most strictly and in virtue of holy
obedience, all the faithful ..., that none, under any pretext or for
any reason, shall dare or presume to enter, propagate or support
these aforesaid societies of Liberi Muratori or Francs Massons, or
however else they are called". In 1884, Pope Leo XIII. declared
(Papal encyclical "Humanum genus"): »The race of man, after its
miserable fall from God, the Creator and the Giver of heavenly
gifts, "through the envy of the devil," separated into two diverse
and opposite parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth
and virtue, the other of those things which are contrary to virtue
and to truth. The one is the kingdom of God on earth, namely, the
true Church of Jesus Christ; and those who desire from their heart
to be united with it, so as to gain salvation, must of necessity
serve God and His only-begotten Son with their whole mind and with
an entire will. The other is the kingdom of Satan, in whose
possession and control are all whosoever follow the fatal example of
their leader and of our first parents, those who refuse to obey the
divine and eternal law, and who have many aims of their own in
contempt of God, and many aims also against God. ... At this period,
however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and
to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that
strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons.
... The Roman Pontiffs Our predecessors, in their incessant
watchfulness over the safety of the Christian people, were prompt in
detecting the presence and the purpose of this capital enemy
immediately it sprang into the light instead of hiding as a dark
conspiracy ... We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away
the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is«.
According to the teaching of the Church, there is no room for
conspiracy deniers, because the struggle with united vehemence
against God, the conpiracy against God is real, and one of its
countless manifestations is freemasonry. But how can an alleged
saviour like Edward Jenner be a freemason? Or how then can the
Catholic Church condemn freemasonry? Are the conspiracy deniers
correct? Is the antichristian conspiracy only a wrong theory, and
are those conspiracy theorists wrong or even insane and dangerous?
Admittedly, some people claim that vaccines are not as safe and as
effective as we are told by the mainstream media. But those voices
are rare, and Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and all the other giants
work hard to exterminate those voices so that you do not have to
worry about those questions, but that you just obey the mainstream
media. While the extermination of conspiracy theorists on Youtube,
Facebook, Twitter etc. is quite effective, those efforts in real
life are still a bit ineffective, although the current level of
police brutality is already impressive, especially when fighing
against peaceful protesters with water cannons, pepper spray, tasers
and more. But you probably just have to wait so that total
surveillance is established and measures against conspiracy
theorists are in full effect.
Sure, it is important to seek information about what is going on.
You must ask whether vaccines are safe and effective. You must
ask whether all the other so-called corona measures like
lockdowns, surveillance, masks, social distancing, destroying the
global economy etc. are safe and effective. So do your homework:
Search for "vaccine failures", "vaccine side effects", "vaccine
injuries". Search for "flu shot effectiveness", "Polio Vaccination
Causes More Infections", "Vaccine-derived Poliovirus". Search for
"vaccines abortion", "vaccines fetal cells". Search for "illegal
practices of pharmaceutical firms". Search for "mask effectiveness",
"lockdown effectiveness". Search for "police violence", "police
brutality". Search for "concentration camps", "extermination camps".
Search for "Lucifer", "Lucis trust". And if you cannot find reliable
information on Google, Facebook etc., then use other tools.
But do not get lost in this searching activity, because all that
information about globalism is not enough. Above all, it is not even
the main question. Do not lose your focus for the really important
topic. Be aware: It is not just a side note that Jenner was a
freemason. It is not just a side note that the Catholic Church
condemns freemasonry and excommunicates freemasons. It is not just a
side note that there is the Catholic Church. On the contrary: We
must see our whole life as the time of decision whether we want
eternal salvation or eternal damnation. Many Catholic Catechisms
begin with: "God created us that we might know Him, love Him, and
serve Him upon earth, and by so doing gain heaven." And many
Catholic Catechisms have passages like: "Detest the false principle
that every faith, every Cburch, is good. Whatever good the sects may
still have, they owe to the Catholic Church, from which they have
fallen away. We have the entire and pure truth. Cling to it
faithfully, and never be ashamed of your holy Religion" (Joseph
Deharbe, USA, 1892, 52).
Yes, there are still a few people who protest against globalism. But
remember: "Whatever good the sects may still have, they owe to the
Catholic Church". When a protester speaks the truth, then it is the
truth and remains the truth. Punishing such a protester as a liar is
a crime. And in that sense we are allowed and sometines even obliged
to support protesters. We are allowed and sometines even obliged to
spread information about vaccines, lockdowns, surveillance, face
masks, social distancing. global poverty, global starvation,
extermination camps, envy of the devil, kingdom of Satan etc. But we
must be clear about our intentions. We do not work to create a
paradise on earth, but to serve our Creator upon earth, and by so
doing to gain heaven. Amen.